26 Ocak 2016 Salı


I want to talk about a quote here. Sometimes you read a sentence and this changes your life or make you question it. So many people criticize that people are always on theşr phones or on social media. This is a common issue today.  I thşnk these lives are thouht to be private, but these are public rather than private.
 Paulo Coelho says: ‘People are  very  reluctant to talk about their private lives,  but then you go to  the Internet and  they’re much more open.’  I think his sentence is a really good summary of  people’s  situation  nowadays.  In the real life people don’t want to talk something special to  themselves,  and  they don’t want everybody to know these private things, but in the social media  they are  so different.  They share everything they do, they can talk about everything without  hesitance,  and they also make  comment on  every stuation or event that happens.
 Internet gives  people freedom of  expressing their thoughts without any borders,  and this make  people seem different than actually who they are. People may  do that in the pursuit of being popular or showing themselves important.  They can do incredible things  to have more friends in the social media, they are even some people spending money to have more followers.
 Being able to use online communication ways is a good thing for this techonolgy era, but  this immense usage of social media shows that people are becoming obsessed  with the  Internet,  and this doesn’t  sound well.

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