26 Ocak 2016 Salı

✏️My  ‘My School Network Project Adventure’📚

In the first semester we, first grade students, met with this project.  When I first heard it, I couldn’t understand the purpose of it.  We were supposed to give feedbacks to young learners of English. We were going to have grades from this project so I ,of course, wanted to be a part of it. We were given names and passwords to enter this website.   Then I started loving it.  I found it  quite complex. I didn’t understand and couldn’t find what to write to where. Then I looked the way how people did their works, and I started to give feedbacks. I think  that the feedbacks that we gave  to children should be positive and constructive. I paid attention to write positive things, use proper emojis and fix the faults by telling them with examples. After a few times I started to enjoy writing these because children’s  point of view is really different from ours. They see everything through unbiased eyes, and say everything the way they are. They are just trying to tell how they feel about the events on the website  and their purity gives me the desire to give feedbacks.

While I was doing it, I started with a sincere ‘hey’ or ‘hello’. Then I continued with the mistakes they made. I tried to fix them in a positive way. I asked them  questions  about  their topic and wanted them to expand their writings. I think this experience is really important for us as future English teachers. If we want to teach them something, first we should know the way they think and their capacity to understand.

As a conclusion that was a different experience for me because I have never done something like that before. I think we have gained some qualities that every teacher should have thanks to My School Network Project.
🎶🎵A Person You Should Know About : 
George Ezra🎤🎼

george ezra ile ilgili görsel sonucuWe all listen to music. Of course, everybody listens different kinds. Here is a very talented musician for those who might enjoy the combination of rock, blues and folk music, George Ezra. He mixes significant features of these kinds and the outcome is superb. Why his music appeals me so much? Well, I guess his voice, the way his videos for his songs and his being so young and achieving  so much.

george ezra on the stage ile ilgili görsel sonucu  He is the child of two teachers. Maybe this is the reason why he is well disciplined. He grew up Hertford in Hertfordshire and moved to Bristol to study at the British and Irish Modern Music Institute in 2011. He published his first single “Did You Hear the Rain?” in October 2013. And he has a wonderfull voice which helped him to gain his reputation.
 His voice is so deep and gives a meaning to the lyrics that he wrote. And when he sings you consider the subcontext behind the words.
 He uses his videos very well too. The song and video becomes a whole and this affects me so much. I think the reason how he makes things work is because he writes all his songs and feels the lyrics.
 I personally adore that he succeeds so much despite his being 22 years old. Because of all this characteristics of him I think you should give him a try and listen some of his songs.
 So as a young, talented and educated singer George Ezra worths a shot. Do not forget there are many undiscovered talents and we should look for them.

Here is one of the his songs, and I really like that one! I hope you'll enjoy it!


deforestation ile ilgili görsel sonucuThere is many environmental problems currently make natural life have hard times. One of the main problems is deforestation. We can define deforestation as the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses. Because forests cover 31% of the land area on our planet and they produce vital oxygen and provide homes for people and wildlife , forest disappearing causes many problems in nature such as extinction of animals or plants.
Deforestation happens due to many reasons. It can be to make more space for urbanisation or agricultural land, to harvest fuelwood, to use timber to make profitable items, because of fire or erosion. It occurs in most of the world but tropical forests are the most effected as WWF stated “Deforestation is a particular concern in tropical rainforests because these forests are home to much of the world’s biodiversity” .

deforestation ile ilgili görsel sonucuDeforestation is one of the main contributing factors to global warming. It increases carbon dioxide emission resulting in greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect causes rising temperatures, changes in patterns of weather and water and an increased frequency of extreme weather events. Through this extinction of species may occur. It can cause distortion of water cycle too because trees balance the amount of water in land. It also increases soil erosion. Trees’ roots hold the soil and keep it from washing away. Soil erosion lead to the loss of fertile soil. This makes land less productive for agriculture, creates new deserts, pollutes waterways and can alter how water flows through the landscape, potentially making flooding more common. Besides deforestation results in extinction of species. Because most of the animals and plants live in forest, deforestation makes them lose their habitats.  This effects the balance of ecosystems. And most of the things deforestation effects end in loss of species.
stop deforestation ile ilgili görsel sonucustop deforestation ile ilgili görsel sonucu
We can take some precautions to stop this. The quickest solution to deforestation would be to simply stop cutting down trees as National Geographic playfully put. In more serious note we could stop buying the products of companies which cause deforestation. Governments should play their part in this too. We should change our laws to prevent cutting trees. We should recycle and use recycled items. We also need to educate our families and friends to raise awareness.

In conclusion, deforestation is a major problem in our current word. We know the things that cause it, we also know how it effects our environment and we know how to stop or at least reduce it. Now, all we need to do is take action.