24 Kasım 2015 Salı


Today I am gonna share a free reflection of an article. I read this article about two weeks ago, and I have comments on this article. Now let's start!

My Reflection
This article is about ten most deadly unnatural disasters. I searched these disasters for  my  friend’s homework and I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know before.  They were explosions, fires,  and mining accidents. All of these disasters occured as a result of man-made mistakes,  and they had irreversible places in history. As I understand during the World War 2 countries and people did terrible things without  thinking  humanity, and  just  for  their  benefits.  There was so much information with numbers so this makes article a little hard, but with these datas  we can understand how important these events and how their result are horrible  because their death rates  are  so  high.  I think  the most interesting one is  Church of Company Fire because people had panic  in fire that’s  why  more  people  died.  Even today  disasters as big as these  can occur  around  the  world, so  people should be more careful and  cautios  and additionaly  in the event of such things   countries should be more  helpful to one another. 

no war peace ile ilgili görsel sonucu


5 yorum:

  1. Dear Tuğçe,
    I enjoyed reading your writing. It is really well prepared. You provided your opinion clearly. However, your majors and minors are not clear. There are some problems in organization. For example, there is no concluding sentence. I think you should have provided your concluding sentence and specific transitions or connectors to make you majors and minors clearer. Your ideas are connected to each other. There are small punctuation mistakes. You should add a comma after connectors. I think you forgot to add them. I cannot see any mistakes other than these small ones. If you check your writing and correct these mistakes, Your writing will be very good. Thank you for writing it.

  2. Bu yorum yazar tarafından silindi.

  3. Hey dude!!
    I am here to make a comment on your writing xd. Firstly, I want to say I really like your blog. You know, I always like your humour style and as far as I see you are reflecting this style on yor blog, too and that is amazing!! I liked your writing about disasters as you said they are very impressive for us, people and it is a good topic to choose. Congratz buddy!! A purple heart for you, you know..

  4. Hello Tu-çeey. My grade for your writing task is 90 out of 100. I am not giving you the last 10 points because you did not write a summary of the article. I did not read the article but I am curious. But I don't have time. You should've explained or given a summary. Anyway congratulations on having nice wishes about peace. I also liked your serious cat.

  5. Hi Tuğçe!

    Aybüke is next you again, as always! :D

    If you were in Nur Hoca's section, she might have given you a not-so-good mark and you could understand what we experienced in whole term.. Okay bud, your connectors and the way you write are good. In a reflection, you should have a concluding sentence because it is very important. Moreover, you should be careful about the punctuations used after connectors. All in all, I liked your paragraph except for some little tiny mistakes. ^^
